A 2024 new show titled Food for Thought.
I am the director, writer and producer for this theatrical experience.
This is a signature programme under Children’s Season 2024,
a collaboration between Children’s Museum Singapore and Former Ford Factory.

How often do you think about food?
Are we being thoughtful?
Do we take food for granted?

Food for Thought is a poignant interactive theatrical experience set in post-war Singapore.
Inspired by the ration cards used in 1946.
Join the Tan family and experience how they brave through hardships and strengthen their bond together as a family.

During the programme, there will be role-playing opportunities through the game ‘Heart of Gold’, to engage children in exercising their options with creativity and morals as they make decisions on how to budget and allocate resources for themselves and their loved ones.

selected theatre works

Schoolgirl and Hanami in Four Horse Road (2023) by The Theatre Practice
Click for 1. Review, 2. Review

SARA in WINDOWS by ATTEMPTS (2022, 2023)
Click for 1. Review, 2. Review, 3. Review

Assistant Director in The Hawker Presented by The Second Breakfast Company (2019)
Click for 1. Review, 2. Review

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